Mass Spectrometry for Clinical Diagnosis 2018
Organized international conference of “Mass Spectrometry for Clinical Diagnosis 2018” at NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Oct. 17-18, 2018
- Topics :
Session I Pathology, Molecular Imaging and Drug Metabolism
Session II Emergency, Toxicology, and Public Health
Session III Disease Markers: Metabolites/Lipids
Session IV Infectious Disease and Bacteria Identification
Session V Disease Markers: Peptides/Proteins
Session VI Foresics and Technology for Clinical Diagnosis
- Oversea Speakers:
Hyun Joo An - Chungnam National University, KR
Zongwei Cai - Hong Kong Baptist University, HK
Wan Chan - Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, HK
Michael Chen - The University of British Columbia, CA
David A. Herold - The University of California, U.S.A.
Liang Li - The University of Alberta, CA
Daisuke Saigusa - Tohoku University, JP
Yuki Sugiura - Keio University, JP
Junyan Shi - The University of British Columbia, CA
Shuichi Shimma - Osaka University, JP
Keqi Tang - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S.A.
Markus Wenk - National University of Singapore, SG
Fang Wu - University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine, CA
Sarina Yang - Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute, U.S.A.
Jong Shin Yoo - Chungnam National University, KR
Zhen Zhao - Weill Cornell Medicine, U.S.A.
(Day 1)
(Day 2)
(Day 3)
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